Vector Search has become a very appreciated method for searching recently. By using ReactiveSearch pipelines, we can add stages to rearrange results using kNN with just a few lines of code.

Before we start, why this?

This pipeline is required to index vector data without asking the user for the data. Imagine a case where index data consists of various fields like Name, Age etc. Now, our requirement is that when an indexing request comes, we want to convert the Name to a vector and store it in the index request as name_vector.

The question is why is a vector even necessary? Well, a vector can help us build pipelines like the kNN search one where the search requests use the vector data to find the results.

Index Requirements

In order for the data to be stored in the index, the index should know that the name_vector field will be of type vector. Not just that, the dimensions of the vector field also needs to be specified.

The dimensions can differ for the vector field. It depends on the utility that converts the string (or any other type) of data to vector. In this example, we will use clip-as-service and their dimensions are 768 (as of now). So in this example, we need to set the dimension of the vector field as that.

It can be set by sending the following request to ES mapping endpoint of the index:

    "mappings": {
        "properties": {
            "name_vector": {
                "type": "dense_vector",
                "dims": 768,
                "index": true,
                "similarity": "cosine"


For ElasticSearch, we will have to make the type of the field dense_vector. This is necessary so that ElasticSearch understands that the field we are storing vector data to can actually contain vector data. Moreover, the kNN algorithm requires the field to be of dense_vector type in order to sucessfully run.


For OpenSearch, we will have to make the type of the field knn_vector. This is essentially the dense_vector equivalent for OpenSearch and indicates that we will be storing vector data in this field. It is important that the field that we will run kNN over be of type knn_vector.


There are various algorithms that can be run on top of a data to get vector representation of it. In this case, for the sake of example, we will be using BERT algorithm to find the vector representation of the data. It is important that we use the same algorithm while indexing the data as well as while searching the data.

This means, while indexing, we will have to run the fields that we want to store as vector (in our case, the Name field) through this algorithm. We will also need to run the search query through this algorithm to get the vector representation of the query.

BERT is developed by Google. Read more about it here

Running bert-as-service

There are various options out there to run bert locally. In our case we will run clip-as-service and use their API to find the vector representation.

Pre Setups

Now that we know how we are going to implement kNN index, let's start with the basic setup. We will override the _doc endpoint for the index test-index.

The _doc endpoint is the endpoint that ElasticSearch/OpenSearch accepts indexing requests to.

The file will be defined in the following way:

enabled: true
description: Index pipeline to store vectorized data

  - path: /lyrics-app-data/_doc
    method: POST
      category: elasticsearch
      acl: index

  bertURL: ""
  method: POST

Environment Variables

We are passing the clip-as-service URL through envs so that it can be used in the stages. This is passed through the bertURL variable.


Now that we have the basic pipeline defined, let's get started with the stages. We will have a few pre-built stages and some custom stages in this pipeline.

Pre-Built stages are provided by ReactiveSearch to utilize functions from ReactiveSearch API, like hitting ElasticSearch or translating an RS Query to ES Query.

We will have the following stages defined:

  1. authorization
  2. add body for vector request
  3. name_vector
  4. merge vector
  5. index data


This is one of the most important steps in the pipeline. Using this stage we will make sure the user is passing proper credentials to hit the endpoint they are trying to access.

The is a pre-built stage provided by ReactiveSearch and can be leveraged in the following way:

- id: "authorize user"
  use: "authorization"

Add Body for vector request

This is just a patch script that will extract the body from the incoming request and generate the body for the vector request so it can be accessed directly in the next step where an http request is made.

The script should be named as addBody.js and defined in the following way:

function handleRequest() {
    const requestBody = JSON.parse(context.request.body);

    return {
        "nameBody": getBody(requestBody.Name)

function getBody(data) {
    return JSON.stringify({
        data: [{ text: data }],
        execEndpoint: "/"

Then we can use the script in the stage in the following way:

- id: add body for vector request
  scriptRef: "addBody.js"

Name Vector

This stage will make the http request by using the httpRequest stage and get the vector data for the Name field.

Since the script will run asynchronously, the response will be stored in the context with the key being the id of the stage, thus the id is name_vector.

We will fetch the vector in the following way:

- id: name_vector
  use: httpRequest
  async: true
    url: "{{bertURL}}/post"
    method: POST
      "Content-Type": "application/json"
    body: "{{nameBody}}"
  continueOnError: false

Merge Vector

Now that we have the vector data for the field Name, we will update the request body with the vector data so that it can be indexed properly. We can do that by using a custom script with the name mergeVector.js in the following way:

function handleRequest() {
    const requestBody = JSON.parse(context.request.body)
    const lyricVector = JSON.parse(context["name_vector"])

    return {
        request: {
            body: JSON.stringify({

This stage is required because async stages cannot directly modify a few fields in context like request.

Once we have the script, we can use it in the following way:

- id: merge vector
  scriptRef: "mergeVector.js"

Index Data

Now that we have the vector data ready and merged in the request body, we can send the index request to ElasticSearch. This can be done by using the pre-built stage elasticsearchQuery.

- id: index data
  use: elasticsearchQuery
    - merge vector

Complete Pipeline

The complete pipeline is defined as follows

enabled: true
description: Index pipeline to store vectorized data

  - path: /lyrics-app-data/_doc
    method: POST
      category: elasticsearch
      acl: index

  bertURL: ""
  method: POST

  - id: "authorize user"
    use: "authorization"
  - id: add body for vector request
    scriptRef: "addBody.js"
  - id: name_vector
    use: httpRequest
    async: true
      url: "{{bertURL}}/post"
      method: POST
        "Content-Type": "application/json"
      body: "{{nameBody}}"
    continueOnError: false
  - id: merge vector
    scriptRef: "mergeVector.js"
  - id: index data
    use: elasticsearchQuery
     - merge vector

Create the pipeline

Now that we have the whole pipeline defined, we can create the pipeline by hitting the ReactiveSearch instance.

The URL we will hit is: /_pipeline with a POST request.

The above endpoint expects a multipart/form-data body with the pipeline key containing the path to the pipeline file. All the scriptRef files can be passed as a separate key in the form data and will be parsed by the API automatically. Read more about this endpoint here

We can create the pipeline in the following request:

Below request assumes all the files mentioned in this guide are present in the current directory

curl -X POST 'CLUSTER_ID/_pipeline' -H "Content-Type: multipart/form-data" --form "pipeline=pipeline.yaml" --form "mergeVector.js=mergeVector.js" --form "addBody.js=addBody.js"

Testing the Pipeline

We can now hit the indxe endpoint for test-index and see if the data is getting converted to vector.

curl -X POST CLUSTER_ID/test-index/_doc -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"Name": "test name", "Age": "22"}'