Image to be displayed

ReactiveList creates a data-driven result list UI component. This list can reactively update itself based on changes in other components or changes in the database itself.

Example uses:

  • showing a feed of results based on the applied search criteria.


Basic Usage

	<reactive-list :react="{ and: ['CitySensor', 'SearchSensor']}">
		<div slot="renderItem" slot-scope="{ item }">
			{{ item.title }}

Usage With All Props

    loader="Loading Results.."
    :react="{ and: ['CitySensor', 'SearchSensor'] }"
        headers: {
            // put relevant headers
        method: 'POST'



Type Optional
String No

unique identifier of the component, can be referenced in other components' react prop.


Type Optional
Object Yes

endpoint prop provides the ability to query a user-defined backend service for this component, overriding the data endpoint configured in the ReactiveBase component. Works only when enableAppbase is true. Accepts the following properties:

  • url String [Required] URL where the data cluster is hosted.
  • headers Object [optional]
    set custom headers to be sent with each server request as key/value pairs.
  • method String [optional]
    set method of the API request.
  • body Object [optional]
    request body of the API request. When body isn't set and method is POST, the request body is set based on the component's configured props.
  • Overrides the endpoint property defined in ReactiveBase.
  • If required, use transformResponse prop to transform response in component-consumable format.


Type Optional
String No

data field to be connected to the component's UI view. It is useful for providing a sorting context i.e. results would be sorted based on the dataField.


Type Optional
String Yes

One of the most important use-cases this enables is showing DISTINCT results (useful when you are dealing with sessions, events and logs type data). It utilizes composite aggregations which are newly introduced in ES v6 and offer vast performance benefits over a traditional terms aggregation. You can read more about it over here. You can access aggregationData using render slot as shown:


If you are using an app with elastic search version less than 6, then defining this prop will result in error and you need to handle it manually using renderError slot.

It is possible to override this query by providing defaultQuery.

Note: This prop has been marked as deprecated starting v1.14.0. Please use the distinctField prop instead.


To set the number of buckets to be returned by aggregations.

Note: This is a new feature and only available for appbase versions >= 7.41.0.


Type Optional
String Array Yes

fields to be excluded in search results.


Type Optional
String Array Yes

fields to be included in search results.


Type Optional
Boolean Yes

pagination <> infinite scroll switcher. Defaults to false, i.e. an infinite scroll based view. When set to true, a pagination based list view with page numbers will appear.


Type Optional
Boolean Yes

Defaults to true, When set to true, an infinite scroll based view will appear.


Type Optional
String Yes

Determines the position where to show the pagination, only applicable when pagination prop is set to true. Accepts one of top, bottom or both as valid values. Defaults to bottom.


Type Optional
Number Yes

number of user selectable pages to be displayed when pagination is enabled. Defaults to 5.


Type Optional
Number Yes

can be used to set the default page number for initial render.


Type Optional
Boolean Yes

can be used to control the scroll to top behavior when new results found. Defaults to true.


Type Optional
String Yes

sort the results by either asc or desc order. It is an alternative to sortOptions, both can't be used together.


Type Optional
Object Array Yes

an alternative to the sortBy prop, sortOptions creates a sorting view in the ReactiveList component's UI. Each array element is an object that takes three keys:

  • label - label to be displayed in the UI.
  • dataField - data field to use for applying the sorting criteria on.
  • sortBy - specified as either asc or desc.


Type Optional
String Yes

accepts the label of the desired sort option to set default sort value from given sortOptions array.


Type Optional
Number Yes

number of results to show per view. Defaults to 10.


Type Optional
String|slot-scope Yes

display to show the user while the data is loading, accepts String or JSX markup.


Type Optional
String Yes

Pagination previous button text. Defaults to Prev.


Type Optional
String Yes

Pagination next button text. Defaults to Next.


Type Optional
Boolean Yes

whether to show result stats in the form of results found and time taken. Defaults to true.


Type Optional
Boolean Yes

whether to show end pages in pagination. Defaults to false.


Type Optional
Object Yes

a dependency object defining how this component should react based on the state changes in the sensor components.


Type Optional
Boolean Yes

when set adds the current page number to the url. Only works when pagination is enabled.


Type Optional
Function|slot-scope Yes

returns a list element object to be rendered based on the res data object. This callback function prop or slot is called for each data item rendered in the ReactiveList component's view. For example,

<div slot="renderItem" slot-scope="{ item }">
    <a class="full_row single-record single_record_for_clone" key="item._id">
        <div class="text-container full_row" :style="{ paddingLeft: '10px' }">
            <div class="text-head text-overflow full_row">
                <span class="text-head-info text-overflow">
                    {{ ? : "" }} - {{ item.brand ? item.brand : "" }}
                <span class="text-head-city">{{ item.brand ? item.brand : "" }}</span>
            <div class="text-description text-overflow full_row">
                <ul class="highlight_tags">
                    {{ item.price ? `Priced at $${{ item.price }}` : "Free Test Drive" }}


Type Optional
Function|slot-scope Yes

A function or slot returning the UI you want to render based on your results. This function receives a list of parameters and expects to return a JSX. Read more about it here.


Either renderItem or render is required in ReactiveList for rendering the data.


Type Optional
Function|slot-scope Yes

renders custom result stats using a callback function that takes stats object as parameter and expects it to return a string or html. stats object contains following properties

  • numberOfResults: number Total number of results found
  • numberOfPages: number Total number of pages found based on current page size
  • currentPage: number Current page number for which data is being rendered
  • time: number Time taken to find total results (in ms)
  • displayedResults: number Number of results displayed in current view
  • hidden: number Total number of hidden results found
  • promoted: number Total number of promoted results found
<div slot="renderResultStats" slot-scope="{ numberOfResults, time, displayedResults }">
    Showing {{displayedResults}} of total {{numberOfResults}} in {{time}} ms


Type Optional
String|Function|slot-scope Yes

can be used to render an error message in case of any error.

<template slot="renderError" slot-scope="error">
<div>Something went wrong!<br />Error details<br />{{ error }}</div>


Type Optional
String|Function|slot-scope Yes

show custom message or component when no results found.


Type Optional
Function Yes

applies a default query to the result component. This query will be run when no other components are being watched (via React prop), as well as in conjunction with the query generated from the React prop. The function should return a query.


Type Optional
String Yes

This prop returns only the distinct value documents for the specified field. It is equivalent to the DISTINCT clause in SQL. It internally uses the collapse feature of Elasticsearch. You can read more about it over here.


Type Optional
Object Yes

This prop allows specifying additional options to the distinctField prop. Using the allowed DSL, one can specify how to return K distinct values (default value of K=1), sort them by a specific order, or return a second level of distinct values. distinctFieldConfig object corresponds to the inner_hits key's DSL. You can read more about it over here.


Type Optional
String Yes

The index prop can be used to explicitly specify an index to query against for this component. It is suitable for use-cases where you want to fetch results from more than one index in a single ReactiveSearch API request. The default value for the index is set to the app prop defined in the ReactiveBase component.

Note: This only works when enableAppbase prop is set to true in ReactiveBase.

		inner_hits: {
			name: 'most_recent',
			size: 5,
			sort: [{ timestamp: 'asc' }],
		max_concurrent_group_searches: 4,

Note: In order to use the distinctField and distinctFieldConfig props, the enableAppbase prop must be set to true in ReactiveBase.

Sub Components


A wrapper component for ResultCard components to render a card based layout. Read more about the usage here.


A wrapper component for ResultList components to render a list based layout. Read more about the usage here.



ReactiveList component supports innerClass prop with the following keys:

  • resultsInfo
  • sortOptions
  • resultStats
  • noResults
  • button
  • pagination
  • active
  • list
  • poweredBy

Read more about it here.


ReactiveList component can be extended to

  1. customize the look and feel with className,
  2. render individual result data items using renderItem,
  3. render the entire result data using render.
  4. connect with external interfaces using query-change.
<reactive-list className="custom-class" @query-change="handleQueryChange" />
export default {
    name: 'app',
    methods: {
        handleQueryChange: (prevQuery, nextQuery) => {
            // use the query with other js code
            console.log('prevQuery', prevQuery);
            console.log('nextQuery', nextQuery);


Type Optional
String Yes

CSS class to be injected on the component container.


Type Optional
Function|slot-scope Yes

a callback function or slot-scope where user can define how to render the view based on the data changes.


Type Optional
Function Yes

an alternative callback function or slot to renderItem, where user can define how to render the view based on all the data changes. It accepts an object with these properties:

  • loading: boolean indicates that the query is still in progress
  • error: object An object containing the error info
  • data: array An array of results obtained from combining promoted results along with the hits .
  • aggregationData array An array of aggregations buckets. Each bucket would have a top_hits property if you're using Elasticsearch top hits aggregations in defaultQuery prop.
  • promotedData: array An array of promoted results obtained from the applied query. Read More


    data and promotedData results has a property called _click_id which can be used with triggerClickAnalytics to register the click analytics info.

  • customData object Custom data set in the query rule when is used as backend. Read More
  • rawData object An object of raw response as-is from elasticsearch query.
  • resultStats: object An object with the following properties which can be helpful to render custom stats:
    • numberOfResults: number Total number of results found
    • numberOfPages: number Total number of pages found based on current page size
    • currentPage: number Current page number for which data is being rendered
    • time: number Time taken to find total results (in ms)
    • displayedResults: number Number of results displayed in current view
    • hidden: number Total number of hidden results found
    • promoted: number Total number of promoted results found
  • loadMore: function A callback function to be called to load the next page of results into the view. The callback function is only applicable in the case of infinite loading view (i.e. infiniteScroll prop set to true).
  • triggerClickAnalytics: function A function which can be called to register a click analytics. Read More
  • setPage: function A function which will allow to dispatch a page change event when using custom pagination. It accepts pageNumber as its parameter.
	<div slot="render" slot-scope="{ loading, error, data }">
		<div v-if="loading">Fetching Results.</div>
		<div v-if="Boolean(error)">Something went wrong! Error details {{JSON.stringify(error)}}</div>
		<ul v-bind:key="result._id" v-for="result in data">
				<!-- Render UI -->



is an event which accepts component's **prevQuery** and **nextQuery** as parameters. It is called everytime the component's query changes. This event is handy in cases where you want to generate a side-effect whenever the component's query would change.


called when the current page is changed. If not defined, `window` will be scrolled to the top of the page.


accepts a function which is invoked with the updated page value when a pagination button is clicked. For example if 'Next' is clicked with the current page number as '1', you would receive the value '2' as the function parameter.


Type Optional
Function Yes
gets triggered after data changes, which returns an object with these properties: `data`, `promotedData`, `rawData`, `customData` & `resultStats`.


gets triggered in case of an error and provides the `error` object, which can be used for debugging or giving feedback to the user if needed.


The fundamental difference between page-change and page-click is that page-click is only called on a manual interaction with the pagination buttons, whereas, page-change would also be invoked if some other side effects caused the results to update which includes updating filters, queries or changing pages. The behaviour of these two may change in the future versions as we come up with a better API.


ReactiveList with default props