component allows you to access the current state of your components along with the search results. For instance, you can use this component to create results/no results or query/no query pages.
<div slot-scope="{ searchState }">
Search State: {{ JSON.stringify(searchState) }}
Search state is an object with component id as key and state as value.
For example:
BooksSearch: {
value: 'A song of Ice and Fire',
hits: [],
error: null,
RatingsFilter: {
value: {
start: 4,
end: 5,
label: "★★★★ & up"
aggregations: [],
hits: [],
error: null
Setting custom state
is a function which can be used to set custom search state of the app, takes one argument which is a custom state object.
<div slot-scope="{ setSearchState }">
<button @click="() => setSearchState(this.searchState)">Replay Search</button>
export default {
data() {
return {
searchState: {
// custom state
// [componentId]: component_value
'result': null,
'search': 'Netherlands'
Custom state is an object with component id as key and component's value as value.
For example:
BooksSearch: 'A song of Ice and Fire',
RatingsFilter: {
start: 4,
end: 5,
label: "★★★★ & up"
- componentIds
[optional] By defaultStateProvider
watches the state of all the components, you can restrict this behavior by defining the component id(ids) for which you want to listen for.
You can avoid the unnecessary re-renders of
component by defining the componentIds.
- includeKeys
[optional] defaults set to['value', 'hits', 'aggregations', 'error']
which means that by default your search state for a particular component will only contains these keys. Although the default search state fulfills most of your common use cases but you can also control it by defining your custom keys with the help ofincludeKeys
For example:
Returned State:
BooksSearch: {
value: 'A song of Ice and Fire',
RatingsFilter: {
value: {
start: 4,
end: 5,
label: "★★★★ & up"
Here is a list of all the valid keys:
if the component's query is in executing mode -
error returns the error
hits An array of hits obtained from the applied query.
aggregations An array of aggregations obtained from the applied query.
promotedData An array of promoted results obtained from the applied query. Read More.
customData Custom data set in the query rule when is used as backend. Read More
rawData An object of raw response as-is from elasticsearch query.
An object with the following properties which can be helpful to render custom stats:numberOfResults
Total number of results foundtime
Time taken to find total results (in ms)hidden
Total number of hidden results foundpromoted
Total number of promoted results found
query returns the component's query in Elaticsearch Query DSL format.
react returns the
property of the components -
componentType string constant to tell the type of the reactivesearch component is being used.
dataField data field to be connected to the component’s UI view.
includeFields query option
excludeFields query option
size query option
sortBy query option
sortOptions query option
means result components are using pagination in UI -
autoFocus property of search components
autosuggest property of search components
debounce property of search components
defaultValue default value of components
defaultSuggestions default suggestions set by user
fieldWeights property of search components
filterLabel filter label set for components
fuzziness property of search components
highlight property of search components
highlightField property of search components
nestedField returns the
prop set by user -
placeholder placeholder set for search components
queryFormat returns the
set for the components -
categoryField property of search components
strictSelection property of search components
selectAllLabel property of list components
showCheckbox property of list components
showFilter property of list components
showSearch property of list components
showCount property of list components
showLoadMore property of list components
loadMoreLabel property of list components
showMissing property of list components
missingLabel property of list components
data property of list components
showRadio property of list components
multiSelect property of list components
interval property of range components
showHistogram property of range components
snap property of range components
stepValue property of range components
range property of range components
showSlider property of range components
The existence of a key in component's search state depends on the type of component is being used.
- change
[optional] is a callback function called when the search state changes and accepts the previous and next search state as arguments.
For example:
export default {
name: 'app',
methods: {
handleChange: (prevState, nextState) => {
console.log('Old State', prevState);
console.log('New State', nextState);