Introduction to SSR

Server-side rendering (SSR), is the ability of an application to contribute by displaying the web page on the server instead of rendering it in the browser. The Server-side sends a fully rendered page to the client

Some benefits offered by SSR technique

  • The initial page of the website load is faster as there are fewer codes to render.
  • Good for minimal and static sites.
  • Search engines can crawl the site for better SEO.

@appbaseio/react-searchbox is compatible with server-side rendering. We provide an API that works with any SSR solution.

How does it work?

The basic idea of SSR support for @appbaseio/react-searchbox is to perform any necessary API calls to the search client and compute the initial state of App, then redyhrate the client side with the initialState computed on the server-side.

We split the concerns into:

  • server: the main server entry to serve requested pages.
  • client: the main browser entry (ultimately gets compiled to bundle.js).

  • Client-side

The user needs to provide just two props to the <SearchBase /> component.

  • contextCollector: used by our library internally to compute the initial state at the server side. (injected automatically by the server-side code).

  • initialState: the initial state of the app that is calculated at the server-side for hydration at client side.

const App = (props) => (
    // below props are coming from the server
      {({ results, loading, size, setValue, setFrom }) => {
        return (
          <div className="result-list-container">
            {loading ? (
              <div>Loading Results ...</div>
            ) : (
                {! ? (
                  <div>No results found</div>
                ) : (
                    {results.numberOfResults} results found in {results.time}ms
                { => (
                      __html: item.original_title

export default App;
  • Server-Side

On the server-side code, the user imports a util method getServerResults()(..., ...) to compute the initial state of the App and passes this initial state back to the client-side.

getServerResults()(App, pageURL): the first param of the function receives the App component ref and the second param [optional] receives the URL string or query param object(should be parsed) to respect the URL query string.

Assuming Next.js used for SSR here.

import {  getServerResults } from '@appbaseio/react-searchbox';

// getServerSideProps method is run on server-side by Next.js
export async function getServerSideProps(context) {

  // calculating the initial state on server  
  let initialState = await getServerResults()(App, context.resolvedUrl);
  return {
    props: { initialState } // will be passed to the App component as props


Using Next.js

Using Express.js


Consider reading the blog here we published for SSR support integration in @appbaseio/react-seasrchbox.