##Setting Up Google Analytics Even though ReactiveSearch provides analytics tailored to your search, you might want to integrate your search into your existing analytics tools. The base library components don't provide a built-in widget to implement analytics with other providers.

Integrating with Google Analytics requires 2 steps:

  • set up the Google Analytics library in your search app
  • setup the search state change listener

To set up Google Analytics, the best way is to follow the reference guide.

Once the GA library is installed on your website, follow the steps below on how Google Analytics can be integrated with different libraries.

##Setup The Search State Change Listener Setting the search state change listener depends on how your search app is setup. If you are using one of the appbase.io libraries, you can refer to the sections below on how you can do this.

###ReactiveSearch Track any component's state using StateProvider component as below. Read more about StateProvider over here:

		onChange={({ prevState, nextState }) => {
			if (prevState !== nextState) {
				window.ga('set', 'page', `/?state=${JSON.stringify(nextState)}`);
				window.ga('send', 'pageview');

If you only want to track your searchbox and you are using the DataSearch component for it, you can do the following.

		onValueChange={value => {
			window.ga('set', 'page', `/?query=${value}`);
			window.ga('send', 'pageview');

###ReactiveSearch Vue If you want to track your searchbox and you are using the data-search component for it, you can do the following.

		function(value) {
			window.ga('set', 'page', `/?query=${value}`);
			window.ga('send', 'pageview');

Check the API docs for React SearchBox over here.

	dataField={['original_title', 'original_title.search']}
	onValueChange={(next, prev) => {
		if (prev !== next) {
			window.ga('set', 'page', `/?query=${next}`);
			window.ga('send', 'pageview');